Tuesday, June 6, 2017

More posts coming soon...

My best friend (Liz) told me a few days ago that I should write a book. A book about who knows what… but a book nonetheless. So I started thinking… what would I write about that people would actually care to read? I mean yes, my occasional Instagram or Facebook post gets a lot of likes of comments, but are those things people would make a point to read? I usually just write when I get annoyed or emotional about something, more so the latter. I blogged a good but after daddy died. It was therapeutic. I was able to write out all the things I wanted to say… some to him, some to God… but ultimately they were just emotions I needed to release and lessons I hoped someone else might learn from. It’s been a while since I blogged… I’m not sure why, it’s not that the lessons have stopped coming, though I think I am harder of hearing to God’s will than I once was (That's a post in and of itself). 

If I’m honest with myself I’m in a rut… whatever that is, but it’s what people say, right? My personal life is fine (read: boring), but my professional life is, well… it’s an eleven month lesson in who knows what. My dating life is non-existent, and the amount of adventure in my day to day revolves around 11 cows, 2 horses, 2 dogs, and an ancient donkey named Jake (and yes they all have names). Seriously though, I spend as much time with them as I do people, except I don’t have to pick up people’s poop, which is part of barn chores. Yes it is still gross... I'm just immune to it now. 

Most days... 

So – I guess I could write about a lot of different things. Single Life. Farm life. Life with Rhett. Sports, cooking, decorating, traveling (which I rarely do anymore). Hopes, dreams, aspirations. Goals and plans. Valleys and Mountaintops. The journey from the Valley to the Mountaintop… those are the most important lessons, in my opinion.

I've got a lot of time off this summer, so I guess we shall see what is on my mind… 

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